Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Congress and the President take fighting stance

Well the big battle is shaping up, The President against the Congress. Even though the last elections went to to Democrats and then taking control of the House and Senate the President is not in any compromising mood.

So here is the issue

Congress both the House and the Senate passed the budget for the Iraq war but stipulated withdrawal conditions. The president says no way "he wants a clean bill" .Whatever that means.
The Congress has told him that he is no longer totally in charge, they are doing what the Constitution stipulates and are expressing what the people said they wanted done in the last election. The military says they will run out of money for the war between April and July. (depends on whose estimates you believe) He said he would veto the bills (but doesn't really want to) and Congress says "go ahead" But it is not clear the democrats have the votes to overturn the veto.
So it is a standoff. The President's polling numbers are down and the Congress numbers are up.
Stubborn would be a kind word.

In the meantime the president appointed an Ambassador , while Congress was in recess. that Congress had turned down. Legally he can do that but only for the President's term. This was like a slap in the face to the Democrats. And Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives does a tour of the middle east including Israel, Iran, Iraq and Syria. Talking to countries that the President said he would never talk to. Drove the Republicans crazy. By the way she is third in the line for the presidency, right after the Vice President. She has just told the President she won't meet with him to tell him about her trip.

The president has invited the Congressional leadership to a meeting but said he will only talk about a clean bill. he will not compromise. Wow. The Congress says, well then how are we going to resolve our differences, and president just hauls out his old speeches about democracy and supporting the troops. Not many believe his rhetoric anymore. Even Fox Network, an ardent Presidential supporter, is starting to waver.

So here we have it, a real standoff. Not sure who will blink first. The president says I want a blank check for the war and the Congress says we wont sign it. So the saga continues

1 comment:

Andy said...

Carl, seems Bush is being the true politician. He may even believe his own B/s in that he thinks democracy is for sissies.