Monday, April 9, 2007

Great trip to Tasmania

hello to all,

Just wanted to say what a great trip it was to Tasmania. The scenery was fantastic and the weather was really good. I brought all these warmer clothes and never really got to wear them. This is my first attempt to do this so iIwon't be long. But on the way home we stopped in Sydney and were the guests of the Pritchards. At least they put up with us. Joan gave a dinner party and I got so many questions about what was going on in the US that I spent a lot of time talking. It did make me aware of what must seems a complicated government we have in the US. And how mysterious it must seems to my friends in Australia. So I decided that is what I was going to blog about.

So be prepared to hear the biased views of an observer on US politics

Carl W (poppacarl)

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