Monday, April 30, 2007

More jabs right and left

More jabs right and left The political jabs continue on. The big issue this week will be the Iraq supplemental funding bill. Both Houses of Congress have met and reconciled the two versions. A bill will go to the President Tuesday, the four year anniversary of the Mission Accomplished carrier landing by the president. The President has said he will veto the bill because it contain a timetable , it does and he will veto it so he says. The President has called a meeting with the Congressional leadership for Wednesday. So we will have to see who will blink first. I expect that the Democrats may pass a three months bill with no timetable forcing him back to ask for more money. By that time the situation in Iraq should improve according to the Administration. So there may be rest period and then the fight resumes.

Now Tenant, the previous head of CIA who is tagged with the "Slam Dunk" comment prior to initiation of the Iraq war. He now says he was misunderstood and his reputation has been ruined. Sides are lining up for and against him. The barrage of words have started. He says Condleesa Rice was not up to the job, she says otherwise. And so it goes. His book is entitled "In the Center of the Storm". He sure is.

Inspection of reconstruction projects worth around 130 Million, that were working six month ago are now not operational. There are more than 70 plus other investigations on the success or maybe failure of reconstruction projects. Seems like everything is a mess. But Halliburton got paid.

The US is in the process of building walls around neighborhoods in Baghdad to impose control. The Iraqis don't want them. The US has been blamed for bringing unfair Zionist practices from Palestine to Iraq. Israel is building a wall between Israel and Palestine. In fact, there are walls being built all over the world

The Administration is trying to get the Iraqi Parliament to come to a political consensus. Mostly how are they going to divide the oil money. Some sort of political settlement will have to be reached if there is any chance for the violence to cease and surge to work. Well ,the Iraq Parliament is thinking about taking a three months summer vacation. What a mess.

Guantanamo is back in the picture. We apparently have said we have cleared 130 plus enemy combatants, but their country does not want them back. So it looks like we are stuck with them. Hard to believe.

Now we have a new sex scandal involving a high administration official, Tobias. The Government has accused a "Lady" of running a prostitution ring. She says no. I only provided companion ship, all the girl have college degrees and can carry on an intelligent conversation. But the Government "no way you got a call girl ring". She said layoff or I will publish my client telephone list. She did publish part of it and lo and behold here was Mr Tobias, a Senior official in the State Department. He said he only called to get a message, but resigned because he can not do his job anymore. Ha, Ha. So everyone is holding their breath for the rest of the list. She is going on Television and she is releasing them on TV a bit at a time. The "Lady" has today had her ankle locator removed. She only has to call in two or three times a week. You couldn't make this stuff up.

And Wolfowitz is still fighting for his job. The Bank Board keeps thinking about it so it is up in the air. He is not one of my favorite people. He carries a lot of fault for the present mess.

So a new chapter or two is revealed every day. I can only think of two proverbs that are at play
" You can fool some of the people all of the time, you can fool all of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time" This Administration seems to have run out it's string.

We also have a poker saying "You have to know when to hold 'em and you have to know when to fold 'em" Seems like the President is going to continue to play a losing hand and bet with my grand kids money. It is time to fold 'em.

And you Old Codgers thought Beniyala was a mess.

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