Thursday, April 26, 2007

The fight goes on, now about round six

Sorry for the long gap. But I was busy with some new business. And then I had chest pains that took me to the Hospital. After four days of test and boredom in the hospital, caught in the clutches of the medical dragon,the dragon disgorged me. nothing was found. I now think it was digging up the backyard.

But in the meantime the political theatre continues.

The knives are still out for the Attorney General Gonzales. He did not do well in his hearing. He continually claimed he did nothing wrong but then couldn't remember anything he did. " I don't recall, I can't remember" 71 times does seem like a lot. So there is now even more Republicans deserting him and the overall pressure is on the President. The president continues to support him. Not sure why, But it is beginning to look to me that he is going to stick by everyone and everything and allow the Republican party go down in flame. After all he is only in office less than two years and then what does he care.

In the meantime we had the spectacle of the brother of Pat Tillman testifying before Congress. Pat Tillman was a professional football player that turned down a multi million dollar contract to enlist in the Army and become a Ranger. He was killed in action in Afghanistan. He was portrayed as a hero fighting and holding back Taliban to allow his unit to withdraw. This hero story was blownup and there was a national Funeral where even the president spoke. . What better patriotic story, Rah, Rah for the war. His family never believed what the Army told them and continued to try to get the truth. Finally it came out, the whole writeup for a Silver Star was fiction. he really was shot by his own troops in a friendly fire incident. And apparently the Army new it before the funeral and may even have tried to warn the president before he gave his speech. Four investigations by the Army have not clarified who did what. I thought the ending words of his brothers testimony was right to the point, "the way you can honor my brother is to tell the truth"

After this testimony Patricia Lynch talked about her experience where she was made out as a female Rambo defending her convey. Again an attempt at a big hero story but she was very quiet. She testified that she was captured eventually rescued but she never fired a shot and did not play the Rambo game. It was again an attempt to make up heroic stories.

After listening to all this you really do have to wonder whether anything from this Administration is to be believed. Only lately has the press gone back to asking the tough questions.

And then we had the incident of 32 people shot at Virginia Tech. It consumed the press and the internet for over a week. In contrast 32 of our young men and woman killed in Iraq don't get that kind of press.

Right jab, left jab and the battle on the budget for the Iraq war continues. The Democrats had met with the president and neither side gave in. Democrats claim that they are doing what the people elected them to do, change the strategy and get the US out. The president insist that he will veto the bill is there is any hint of a timetable. Republicans call it a surrender bill, hoisting the white flag. Republican always do have better wordsmiths.
Look like the bill, with a timetable, will get to the president on Tuesday. That is an interesting day. Exactly 4 years since the president landed on the aircraft Carrier to announce " Mission Accomplished". The prediction is the president will veto and the Democrats will have to decide on the counter jab My guess is that they will pass a bill with no timetable but with only enough money fro three months and ask the president to come back with an exit plan. What the President will do, I don't have a clue.

The Congress has issued some new subpoenas, one for Condalesa Rice. That has caused a big cry. Republicans says she has already answered all the question. We will see what happens here.

In the meantime the Supreme Court ruled that the EPA has the power to regulate CO2, but doesn't really want to. California has wanted to restricts CO2 from auto mobiles and has had a waiver request at the EPA to allow them to do it for over a year. Now that issue is settled CA wants the waiver and The Governator has said he will sue the EPA if he doesn't have in 180 days. So the environmental battle also continues.

Time for me to quit and say goodbye

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